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Safe environment lesson for Students – Parental Consent is required

The Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, issued by the United States  Conference of Catholic Bishops, requires dioceses to provide education and training for  children, youth, parents, ministers, educators, volunteers and others about ways to make and  maintain a safe environment for children and young people.  

The children’s education program consists of age-appropriate lessons built upon the Church’s teaching that “the human body shares in the dignity of the image of God”  

(CCC364). That dignity leads us to foster in every person the belief and awareness that as a  person of God, they are deserving of love and respect. Because dignity is a gift given by God at  birth, abuse of all kinds is harmful to that dignity.  

Children being among the most vulnerable, require us to protect that dignity. Thus, consistent  with diocesan policy, Mary, Star of the Sea School includes an age appropriate safe  environment lesson in its religious education curriculum. This lesson will take place during the month of September.  

A parental permission form is attached and must be returned to your child’s homeroom teacher by no later than Friday, August 26, 2022.  A detailed review of the program and grade lesson is located  on the Diocese of Honolulu website. If you have any  questions, please feel free to reach out to your child’s homeroom teacher or email me at  [email protected].

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