And the winner is… Undoubtedly, our school is the top winner of this day! We are very grateful to our sponsors, local businesses, volunteers, golfers, families and friends for making our first tournament a successful one. As far a the winners […]
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Each year, Mary, Star of the Sea School families indicate their intent to re-enroll their child(ren) for the following school year to ensure that spaces are saved for current students and that open spaces can be made available to families in […]
Aloha MSOS Families, Catholic Schools Week is a national celebration of Catholic education and an opportunity to recognize the importance, the value, and the contributions of Catholic education to the Church and the world. … This year, Catholic Schools Week will be […]
Second Grade – This second-grade lesson is based on “ The Color Monster” written by Anna Llenas. As this adorable monster learns to sort and define his mixed-up emotions, he gains self-awareness and peace as a result. Second graders created their […]
Our Math Bee is BACK! MSOS challenge game “24” is ready for students in grades 3-8! Are you ready to prove how fast you can add, subtract, multiply, and divide? Open to grades 3-8. The signup form to register is […]
Aloha MSOS Families, One of our critical goals at MSOS is to help each child become successful and confident readers and writers. Your partnership is critical and we invite you to attend our upcoming literacy workshops. Our first 30-minute virtual […]
Altar serving is a wonderful ministry that allows children to become involved in our parish. Our student altar servers recently participated in a blessing ceremony at our weekly student mass. Any child in fourth grade and up who has celebrated […]
Students and teachers throughout all grade levels are participating in the One Word Challenge ’22. The idea around the One Word Challenge is to choose one word to be your driving force for the year. No goals, or wish list, just one word. CLICK here to learn more […]
In the end, all eyes were on these top three spellers – Connor Lopez, Caitlin Jaimes, and Yuzuki Maezawa. After several rounds of spelling, 5th grader, Connor came on top spelling the champion word C-O-N-G-E-A-L-I-N-G. Caitlin was awarded runner-up and […]
The new year is here, what a great chance to implement some new healthy family resolutions! Here are some great ones to try: 1. Schedule your child’s wellness checkups Scheduling your family’s annual checkups at the beginning of the year […]