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Back to School Reminders for 4th Quarter

Aloha MSOS Families, 

We hope you had a wonderful Spring Break! The final quarter of the school year begins on Monday, March 28 and we look forward to having your students return to school. Please see below for important back-to-school reminders, covid-related protocol, and building improvement updates.

Back to School Reminders

Daily Health Check-In

Daily Health Check-ins are no longer required, except you will be required to notify the school using this ABSENTEE REPORT link ONLY If:

  • your child is currently experiencing any signs or symptoms of illness , or
  • to report a non-illness-related absence.
  • In case of an illness, you will receive an email or phone call from Nurse Maile to discuss your student’s readmission process options.

Out-of-State Travel Reminders

  1. All students should meet the current State travel requirements
  2. All students must complete the MSOS Out-of-State Travel Request Form
  3. MSOS Travel policy provides TWO options for students returning from out-of-state travel: 
    • Test-to-Stay (no quarantine necessary)
    • Quarantine at home for 5 days after returning from travel


Face masks

  • Outdoor Setting: Face Maks will be optional in outdoor settings beginning March 28.
  • Indoor Setting: Per HDOH and CDC recommendations, face masks are still required in indoor settings. Please make sure your child has a proper mask to put on once they reach their classroom. To support the transition from indoors to outdoors, students who choose to remove their masks will have the option to store their masks in the school-issued containers that will remain at your child’s desk.

Quarantine Protocol Updates

Please refer to our Return to Campus Guidelines (updated on March 10, 2022) for the requirements to return to school following an illness, exposure, or a positive test.


Middle School East-Coast Trip

As part of our social studies program, our middle school students will be taking a unique trip of a lifetime this week, from March 31-April 6. We wish them a safe and memorable trip that will take them to Washington, DC, Philadelphia, Gettysburg, and New York City.

Summer School Registration is now Open

Summer School Registration is now open to all grade levels. The registration deadline is Thursday, April 14.

Basketball, Volleyball, and Pickleball Court – Blessing Ceremony

The final touches were completed over the spring break and students will gather first thing Monday morning to participate in school-wide student and court blessing. We are excited to finally open up the court for our students to enjoy!

School Roof Repair Project

You may have noticed that our school roof and gutters are in need of some TLC. This project will take place in three phases. The first phase, which was to remove the rusted-out gutters, took place this past spring break. The second phase requires the repair of the concrete spalling under the removed gutters. The final phase will be to replace the roof shingles. Unless a safety issue arises, these final two phases will take place during the summer intersession.

Cafeteria Improvements

This summer we will also be painting the inside of our cafeteria and installing three additional air-conditioning units. Stage improvements will also be made. If you are able and willing to offer your handyman/handywoman talents for this project, please contact Mrs. Rufo at [email protected].

Join us for the 3rd Annual MSOS Diamond Cup Fundraiser and save your spot! ⛳ Register Your Team Online

You're invited to our next open house on February 8th @ 9.A.M. ⭐ RSVP Today