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Mask Protocol Update beginning May 2, 2022

A great deal of consideration has been put into our school mask protocol. It has been determined that the negative impact that masks are currently having on our MSOS students’ self-esteem, social skills, literacy development, skin conditions, and confidence, are far outweighing current masking benefits at school. Also, since Spring Break we have had nominal covid-related reports.

Effective Monday, May 2, 2022, masks will be optional both outdoors and indoors on Mary, Star of the Sea School campus. Please note that there is one exception. We do ask that our students have a small supply of masks available in their backpacks for future larger and closer school indoor gatherings. For example, masks will be required when we attend church on Fridays. Our goal is to focus on teaching our students how to adjust using one’s common sense and not fear. We also do understand that everyone’s situation is a unique one; parental requests will be respected and at no time will students be pressured one way or the other.

Our school nurse, Ms. Maile, and I will be monitoring the wellness of our students closely throughout the month. Please also be reminded to keep your children home if they are showing any high-risk or multiple low-risk flu-like symptoms. Let’s continue to work together to ensure we wrap up this school year, healthy and strong!

Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Mrs. Rufo, Principal

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