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Primary Division

Kindergarten to Third Grade embodies the Primary Division at Mary, Star of the Sea. Beginning in Kindergarten the focus is to nurture each individual’s unique qualities. Kindergarten provides the building blocks for physical, social and emotional development. Students begin to develop life skills such as: building relationships and developing self-control. Students learn through movement and play. Kindergartners have the opportunity to participate in yoga twice a week, as well as, have recess three times a day.

In Grades K-3, teachers encourage curiosity, risk-taking and fostering a love of learning to promote life-long learners. Students are provided with the opportunity to share their gifts and talent with others, while building their communication skills. Students learn to become active Christians by valuing prayer, learning to make good choices and respecting others. The curriculum for students emphasizes basic skills in the core curricular areas for Literacy (reading, writing, spelling, phonics, grammar), Math, Science, Social Studies and Religion. In addition to the core subjects, students receive instruction in Art, Music, Physical Education and Library weekly.

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In Literacy, students build their foundational reading skills by beginning with phonics in Kindergarten and build to reading comprehension and critical thinking by 3rd grade. Daily read aloud time also emcompasses students’ day to improve their information processing skills, vocabulary, and comprehension.

In Math, students build their number sense, spatial sense and problem solving skills through counting, estimation, patterns,addition and subtraction, measurement and data, geometry and solving word problems. In 3rd grade, students are introduced to multiplication and division.

In Science, teachers nurture students’ curiosity and build their critical thinking skills through inquiry-based learning. Students are provided with opportunities to investigate a problem, search for possible solutions, make observations, ask questions, test out ideas, and think creatively. The science units cover life science, earth science and physical science, while supporting STEM and 21st-century skills acquisition,

In Social Studies, students are introduced to geography, civics, economics and history. Students study people and cultures, past and present, from our community and all around the world. Students learn how the physical environment shapes cultures, why governments are important and the ways in which our needs are served in the economy.

In Religion, students learn about the values of the Catholic church through listening and responding to stories about Jesus. Students show how they themselves are children of God and learn how to value prayer. Students will learn and recite Grace Before Meals, Hail Mary, Our Father prayers. Students in grades 1st-3rd grade also participate in Mass weekly and are given the opportunity to lead Mass.

One to one iPads in the Primary Division provides students with innovative opportunities to learn and create, while building their 21st century skills.

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