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Host a Trunk at the 2023 Fall Festival

Trunk Guidelines

We are inviting MSOS families to host a trunk at the Fall Fetstival! This is a great way to show your spooky creativity and meet other families. Here are some guidelines:

  • Trunk set up is between 4:30 – 5:30 pm on the main field, break down at 8:00 pm. In order to ensure the safety of our families, cars will not be allowed to drive on the field after 5:00 for setup.
  • Electricity will not be provided. Please make sure you have sufficient battery lighting to light up your trunks. Engines must be turned off during the event.
  • Candy will be provided to each trunk but feel free to bring your own 
  • Be creative with your decorations, but not too scary as there will be small children at the event. 
  • An Adult must be present at all times at your trunk.
  • We will be awarding PRIZES for the best decorated trunks!
  • General Admission Registration is required for Hosts, so please remember to register your party.
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